Troop 54 in a Nutshell

Campout at Boyle's Brook
A Troop 54 Scout hits the trail on the way back from Boyle's Brook (June 2006).

Troop 54 is the oldest continuously chartered Scouts BSA troop in the Heart of New England Council, having been founded in 1915.

The troop holds its weekly meetings every month except July. In these meetings, the boys prepare for upcoming outdoor events and work on advancement.

We go on at least one overnight camping trip each month, throughout the year. About four of these are backpacking trips which provide each boy with the adventure of living off what he carries. One trip is Scouts BSA Summer Camp. Other outdoor events teach and promote Scouting skills. Typically, all but one of these overnights is spent in tents, the other being in a cabin. To see some of the range of places we have camped, take a look at the map of Scout camps where we have camped since 2006.

Certain youth leaders are expected to participate in monthly Patrol Leaders' Council meetings.

Our annual schedule provides an overview of planned troop activities.

We communicate as a troop, using:


Page updated 2/1/19
J. Froimson

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