Press Releases

12/9/2018 Boy Scout Troop Camping Streak Hits 10 Years
12/20/2017 Boy Scout Troop Camping Streak Hits 9 Years
04/16/2017 Boy Scout Troop Camping Streak Hits 100 Months
12/16/2016 Boy Scout Troop 54 Camps Every Month for Eight Years
12/25/2015 Boy Scout Troop Camps Every Month for Seven Years
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Graphic - Troop 54 By the Numbers
11/29/2015 Kevin Froimson Earns Rank of Eagle Scout
Picture - KevinFroimson.jpg

12/11/2013 Local Boy Scout Troop Camps Every Month for Five Years Running
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Graphic - Troop 54 By the Numbers
09/14/2013 Backpacking in Vermont
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02/26/2013 Troop Camps 50 Months in a Row
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10/01/2012 Local Troop Takes a Night Hike
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09/12/2012 Timothy Froimson Earns Rank of Eagle Scout
Picture - TimFroimson.jpg
09/02/2012 Troop 54 Hits the Trail in Vermont
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02/02/2012 Sled Race is Highlight of Troop 54 Trip to Littleton
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On-line Guide Helps Central Massachusetts Scout Units Plan Trips
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Boy Scout Troop Hits Three Year Milestone
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Page updated 12/9/18
J. Froimson

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