Press Release Boy Scout Troop Camping Streak Hits 100 Months April 16, 2017 WORCESTER - Boy Scout Troop 54 achieved another milestone this month - at least one overnight camping trip every month for 100 months. During that time, the troop has visited twenty two different Scout camps and lots of state parks, camped in various parts of six states and hiked numerous trails across the region. Each camping trip provides the setting for the Scouts to learn outdoor and leadership skills. Just as importantly, each trip provides fun, adventure and outdoors experiences for these city boys (and leaders). Troop 54 ( is sponsored by Epworth United Methodist Church, 64 Salisbury Street in Worcester. First chartered one hundred and one years ago, Troop 54 is the oldest troop in the Mohegan Council BSA. For its trip this month, the troop camped at Deer Lake Scout Reservation in Killingworth, CT, Friday, April 7 to Sunday, April 9. This gave the boys an opportunity to practice planning and preparing their meals. They have to think ahead to select and pack the gear they will need for the weekend, including tents and cooking gear. During the middle day that Saturday, the Troop visited Dinosaur State Park in Rocky Hill, CT. This place has a unique collection of actual dinosaur tracks preserved and displayed in place; "in place" is subject to interpretation as it was noted that this region itself has moved quite some distance in the millions of years since the dinosaurs made the prints. Each year's program in the Troop features a week long trip at a Boy Scout Summer Camp. Trips during some of the other months are "camporee" events in which several troops gather to compete and have fun along the lines of a theme. Still other trips are backpacking adventures, in which the Scouts live off what they carry for the weekend. The Scouts meet during the Summer to plan which event they will have each month. The level of activity offered in Troop 54 is a great alternative for boys who would otherwise spend too much time watching TV or playing video games. The Troop welcomes new members - boys age 11 to 17. Press Contact: Joshua Froimson |