Rafting TripFriday, May 25 - |
Troop 54 camped in tents at Horace Moses Scout Reservation. Our troop was the only one there, so we had the camp to ourselves. Twelve Scouts and four leaders participated in the trip. Seven of the Scouts and two of the leaders went rafting that Saturday. On the water, the participants had a great time. All but one Scout went overboard at least once. The Crab Apple guides quickly pulled in the people who went overboard, the lunch they served was great (the brownies were popular) and their photographer took excellent pictures. Meanwhile, back at camp, the other Scouts went fishing and swimming in the camp pond. The fishing did not yield any fish, with the lines continually getting caught in reeds in the water or in trees overhead. While swimming, however, one of the Scouts (Jonathan D) caught a fish with a net. With help cleaning the fish (by ASM Jack Pingeton), the Scouts cooked and ate the fish for lunch. Visiting the Sports area at camp, this group also played some tether ball and basketball. Some work on Totin' Chip skills and, of course, some camp cooking, rounded out the weekend's activiites. This was our 41st consecutive month with at least one overnight camping trip. |
Photos by Joshua Froimson. Page updated 5/30/12. |