
National BSA Policies

Epworth United Methodist Church is chartered by the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) to operate Scouts BSA Troop 54. Troop 54 must comply with all BSA policies. In particular:

Arrival at Meetings (No Drop-offs)

BSA rules prohibit one-on-one contact between youth and adults in our meetings. Scouts are not to be dropped off in the parking lot. Instead, a parent or other family member should come inside to ensure that we have sufficient adults present before leaving. Effective October 1, 2018: two registered adult leaders 21 years of age or over are required at all Scouting activities, including meetings.

Guide to Safe Scouting

This extensive guide covers all sorts of situations.

Youth Protection and Adult Leadership

Read this brief summary of requirements.

Youth Protection and Barriers to Abuse FAQs

The FAQ covers several specific examples.

Safety Moments

Dozens of topics are covered, each one in video, podcast and PDF formats.

Troop Policies

Campership Policy

This page document describes elgibility for financial assistance from the Troop.

Discipline Policy

This brief document lists the Troop's expectations and obligations regarding behavior and discipline.

Electronics Policy

This brief document limits the use of electronic devices at Scout events.

Inclement Weather

Find out when troop meetings are cancelled.

Membership Abandonment

Any Scout who does not appear at three months of meetings (not counting periods without meetings) without communicating a legitimate reason to the Scoutmaster will be considered to have abandoned his place in the troop.


For the purpose of rank advancement, active participation is defined as attending at least 75% of Troop meetings and participating in at least one outdoor Troop event (not counting bottle and can drives) every other month.

Refund Policy

This brief document clarifies when you might be entitled to a refund.


Unless requested or provided by troop leaders for an activity, toys (e.g., fidget spinners, Tech Deck skateboards) are not permitted at troop meetings as they distract Scouts and serve no purpose in the meetings.


Page updated 11/5/23
J. Froimson

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