Sayre Camping Trip

New England Base Camp logo

Friday, May 17 -
Sunday, May 19, 2024
New England Base Camp
Milton, Massachusetts

Event Description

For our May trip, we return to New England Base Camp, formerly known as Camp Sayre, our fourth time visiting this camp. We will be tent camping; our site will likely be determined upon our arrival. During the day on Satuday, we will visit Treetop Adventures for ziplining.

This trip is open to Scouts BSA members and Webelos/AOL Scouts with their patrol.



Use our Personal Camping List to ensure you pack the needed items and see our Personal Camping Gear page for descriptions of most of the items needed and for how to use the checklist. You can pack your stuff in a backpack (the big kind), a duffle bag or a tub. Specific items to bring:



Page updated 5/6/24
J. Froimson

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