Annual Health and Medical Record
Before participating in any outdoor or overnight event, each youth member, parent or adult leader
needs to submit a completed medical record. You have two options:
- Medical Form Parts A and B - This is
the minimum medical record for a weekend trip, requires no doctor signature and must have been submitted
to the Troop within the previous year.
- Medical Form Parts A, B and C - This is
required for Summer Camp (or any other trip exceeding 72 hours), does require a doctor signature, and
the doctor exam must have taken place within one year of our week at camp.
If you have the vaccination/exam printout from the participant's last exam and that is after last July,
your simplest option is to complete the A, B and C form now, so you don't have to do a second form later.
Pro tip: Save the form to your own drive before you start completing it electronically; otherwise,
your entries will be lost when you do save it.
Signatures: These forms require wet signatures, i.e., you use a pen. Do not sign them electronically.
Here are responses for a few of the fields on Part B Page 1:
- If you are in Troop 54:
- Unit leader: Joshua Froimson
- Mobile phone (for unit leader): 774-641-1560
- Council Name/No.: Heart of New England / 230
- Unit No.: Troop 54
- If you are in Troop 7054:
- Unit leader: Khoa Kennedy
- Mobile phone (for unit leader): 508-498-3502
- Council Name/No.: Heart of New England / 230
- Unit No.: Troop 7054
- If you are in Pack 54:
- Unit leader: Joshua Froimson
- Mobile phone (for unit leader): 774-641-1560
- Council Name/No.: Heart of New England / 230
- Unit No.: Pack 54
Please review your medical record for the following frequently missed items (you will need to print this
page if you want to actually check it off):
- A copy of both sides of the participant's medical insurance card is attached.
- On the Part A form under "List participant restrictions, if any", either "None" is checked or
restrictions are entered. The check box sometimes prints empty even when you have it checked
- On Part A, if the participant is a youth member, the parent/guardian has signed and dated at
"Parent/guardian signature for youth".
- On Part A, the participant has signed and dated at "Participant's signature".
- On Part B1, you have entered the name of the insurance company and the policy number
in the two spaces provided,
- On Part B2, Yes or No is checked before "Non-prescription medication administration
is authorized with these exceptions" is checked.
- On Part B2, on that same line, any exceptions are listed, or the word "none" is entered.
- On Part B2, below that line, if the participant is a youth, the parent/guardian has signed
the space provided.
- On Part B2, if no medications are routinely taken, the box for this is checked.
- A complete immunization record is attached.
- On Part C, the health care provider has signed and dated at Examiner's Signature and Date.
Note: A "medication" is something that has an active pharmaceutical ingredient. For example, sun
screen is not a medication.
Page updated 9/13/20
J. Froimson |