Cooped Up Camping Trip

Campfire Graphic

Saturday, May 9 -
Sunday, May 10, 2020

Event Description

Yet another month of camping is impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. This month, we will again camp in our backyards or inside our homes. As an extra virtual feature, we will "attend" the Cooped Up Campfire run by Narragansett Council.

The Troop will interact with each other on Zoom during the following times:

Sat, 5:00-6:30 PM - Troop Zoom
Sat, 7:00-8:30 PM - Campfire on Zoom
Sun, 7:00-8:30 AM - Troop Zoom

The Troop Zoom information is the same we have been using for our meetings.

This trip is open to Scouts BSA members and Webelos/Arrow of Light Scouts.


There is no registration fee and no permission slip for this trip.


See our Personal Camping Gear page for a check list and descriptions of most of the items needed. You can pack your stuff any way you like. Let the Scoutmaster know a few days in advance if you need to borrow any troop gear for your camp site.


Page updated 6/1/20
J. Froimson

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