Camping Events


Offered by councils and by districts, these events typically include a few troops up to a few hundred participants and generally are organized around a theme. Check the schedule of any district or council (not just your own) for a variety of locations and themes. Examples:

Klondike Derby

Offered by nearly every district in the region (Troop 54 found 19 such events in our area in 2012), a Klondike Derby is a winter camporee featuring Scouts pushing sleds from one station to the next to participate in various activities. Check the schedule of any district or council (not just your own) for a variety of locations and themes. Most of these events are held in January and February.


Offered by individual councils, groups of councils or by the National BSA, jamborees typically include thousands of participants. Some examples:


Orienteering is a sport in which you use a compass to find defined points in the woods and navigate from one such spot to another. See the Orienteering section of our Sports Particiption page for more information on Orienteering. Some orienteering events offer camping as an option.

Historic Scouting Events

West Point Invitational

Camp Sikorsky


Page updated 1/15/25
J. Froimson

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