Troop 54 traveled to Hale Reservation in Westwood, Massachusetts for our April camping trip to participate in the
annual Scout-O orienteering event, run by the New England Orienteering Club.
When we arrived after dark on the first night, we found that the Bird Island camp site was about a quarter mile hike through the
woods from the car. We got plenty of excercise during the weekend , hauling gear to and from the vehicles. The weather was
unseasonably cold, with temperatures in the 30s and 40s. A nearly constant light rain made it feel even colder. We had nine
Scouts and three adults participating at this event.
That Saturday, the troop worked as one group to complete the "Yellow A" trial at the Scout-O (two of us worked at the finish line). 400 people had registered for the event.
This was our troop's sixty-fourth consecutive month with at least one overnight camping trip.