The new Cub Scout Pack 54 is organizing now. Cub Scouts is the Boy Scouts of America program for young boys. What Cub Scouting IsIn Cub Scouting, boys belong to a small group called a den where they take part in interesting and meaningful activities with worthwhile friends. In the den, they learn sportsmanship, good citizenship, and loyalty; they learn how to get along with others, and how to do their best for themselves and their den. Cub Scouts also belong to a pack, which is a larger group made up of several dens. FunActivities in the dens and in the pack are geared to the ages of the boys, with lots of physical action and exploration. In the dens, the activities are organized around monthly themes provided by the BSA. Pack activities can include races like the Pinewood Derby (making those little cars can be a den activity). The pack can also go on campouts. AdvancementAdvancement encourages the interests of a boy in a natural way. It provides fun for the boys and teaches them to do their best. Badges are awarded to recognize advancement. Boys like to receive and wear the badges, but the real benefit comes from the worthwhile things they learn while following the advancement trail. The boys are awarded their achievements at the pack events so that they get the pride of public visibility. Who Can JoinCub Scouts is available to boys 6-10 years old. We encourage older boys to join Boy Scouts. Where and WhenPack 54 will meet at Epworth United Methodist Church. Meetings will be held Thursdays at 6:30 PM. Summer CampAny boy who is registered before Summer Camp will be eligible to attend Cub Scout Day Camp. Contact UsFor further information or to add your name to the list of potential future members, contact: Keith MacNeal |
Page updated 2/16/12. |