Summer Camp 2025
Sunday, July 13 -
Saturday, July 19, 2025
Camp Squanto
Plymouth, Massachusetts
Event Description
This year, Troop 54 will attend summer camp at Camp Squanto during its Week 2. This is the first time we are attending summer camp here as a troop. Our Scouts will stay in two-person canvas wall tents on wooden platforms; each Scout will have a cot or bed. Meals will be prepared by the camp and served in their dining hall. Our site will be assigned later.
- Early Bird Fee Scout 1 - The $570 youth registration fee applies up to February 11 for the first sibling. After that date, the regular fee applies. Payment by check1 is preferred. This fee also applies to a crossover joining until June 23.
- Early Bird Fee Scout 2 - The $485 youth registration fee applies up to February 11 for the second sibling. After that date, the regular fee applies. Payment by check1 is preferred. This fee also applies to a crossover joining until June 23.
- Regular Fee Scout 1- The $620 regular fee applies after February 11 for the first sibling. Payment by check1 is preferred.
- Regular Fee Scout 1 - The $535 regular fee applies after February 11 for the second sibling. Payment by check1 is preferred.
- Additional Leader Fee - Leaders beyond those planned for and needed by the Troop pay their own additional leader fee (amount TBD) through the Troop.
- To stay overnight at camp with the Troop, an adult must be a registered
member of the BSA.
Program information will be posted later.
Pre-camp Meeting
The Troop will hold a pre-camp meeting June 17, 7:00-8:00 PM. Each Scout attending camp should attend this meeting with a parent.
What to Pack
Packing details will be posted later.
Travel details and times will be posted later.
1Make checks payable to "Heart of New England Council BSA".
Page updated 12/11/24
J. Froimson |