Canoeing Merit Badge - a popular class at Summer Camp (July 2010).
Shaking things up a bit, Troop 54 will, for the first time, attend summer camp at Camp Yawgoog, in Rockville,
Rhode Island in 2013. Expect changes compared with our previous years. We are attending Week 2, which runs Sunday, July 7 through
Sunday, July 14. We will camp in the James West site in the Sandy Beach camp (they have three camps).
Camp fees and forms:
- The total fee per Scout is $400, paid in installments as detailed below. This includes a camp picture. Paying the fees is how you sign up for camp.
- Individual commitment fee: $25 per Scout, due and payable to Troop 54, by February 26. Each Scout who pays this fee on-time
gets a camp hat.
- Balance due: $375 per Scout, due and payable to Troop 54, by June 11.
- The latest date to sign up for camp (paying the individual commitment fee) is May 14.
- Annual Health and Medical Record - each Youth or Adult member
staying at camp one night or more must submit this form at or before the June 25 summer camp prep meeting. It is recommended that you keep
the original and submit a copy. Note that this requires a physical exam
within the last year (with doctor signature) and a copy of both sides of your medical insurance card. If your doctor did not complete Part C, transcribe
information from the doctor-provided record onto Part C.
Adults must be BSA registered leaders to stay at the camp.
Troop 54 holds a Summer Camp Prep Meeting before camp. This year's meeting will be held Tuesday, June 25, at 7:00 PM.
Lots of information on Summer Camp is posted on the Camp Yawgoog website, however, not all of it has been
updated for the 2013 season yet.
The merit badge schedule for this year will be posted later. This camp has a form we need to submit on which the Scoutmaster approves the Scout taking the
merit badge and signs off on any prerequisites; we will complete these in advance of camp.
Fishing at this camp does not require a license, so bring your fishing gear.
We will meet at Epworth UMC at 3:00 PM Sunday, July 7, for departure from the church by 4:00 PM and arrival at Camp Yawgoog at 5:30 PM. The troop will cook dinner at the camp.
Some of the specific events at camp this year:
- SUN, 5:30 PM, Move into our site.
- MON, 9:00 AM, Medical rechecks, photos and swim tests (we'll get specific times that morning)
- MON, 5:25 PM, Flag Ceremony
- MON, 8:00 PM, Welcome Campfire
- SAT, 8:00 PM, Saturday Night Show (parents welcome)
- SUN, AM, Religious Services
- SUN, 9:00 AM, Troop Court of Honor (parents welcome)
- SUN, 11:30 AM, Chicken Barbecue (for visitors only)
- SUN, 12:30 PM, Dress Parade (camp closing, parents welcome)
- SUN, 1:30 PM, Depart Camp
There is always time for fun at Summer Camp (July 2010).
We will depart camp immediately after the Dress Parade ends (1:30 PM). Return to the church is expected at approximately 3:00-3:15 PM.