Cookout / Court of Honor

Merit Badge Sash

Saturday, September 19, 2020
6:30 - 8:00 PM
Treasure Valley Scout Reservation
Rutland, Massachusetts

Event Description

In September, Troop 54 turns 105. We will meet at the South Pavilion near the Waterfront at Treasure Valley. The Troop will cook on half barrels. We will begin serving following an opening ceremony at 6:30 PM.

After dinner, we will have a Court of Honor, recognizing awards received since December.

This event is for the whole family, not just the Scouts. We hope to see you there.


Advance registration both covers the cost of the faclity rental and food and enables us to control the number of people at the event. Registration for this event is included in the fee for campout participants.

Age 11 or older - $10
Age 5-10 - $5
Age 0-4 - free


We will employ our COVID-19 Controls at this event.


Dutch Oven


Page updated 8/23/20
J. Froimson

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