Saturday, March 21 -
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Arcadia Management Area
Hope Valley, RI
On this trip, we will hike a portion of the North South Trail we have not
hiked before through the Arcadia Management Area to
the shelter at Frosty Hollow Road. We estimate that we will hike 5-6 miles each day.
Use our Backwoods Camping List to make sure you don't forget anything. Be sure to include
plenty of water. See other camping information on our Camping page. A few specific items to bring:
Rain gear
Sleeping bags should be good down to the expected temperatures.
Pack light - "Every ounce counts!"
- Permission Slip - Each participating Scout must submit this to the Scoutmaster
by March 17.
- Event registration fee (youth) - $15 (includes dinner and breakfast). Pay by March 17.
- Annual Health and Medical Record - Each participant must have submitted
this record within the previous year and no later than March 17. This trip requires only Parts A and B, including copy of insurance card
(both sides). A medical exam is not required.
- CORI - Adults staying overnight must have submitted a CORI to the Mohegan Council within the last year. If
you need this, please submit it to the Scoutmaster by March 17.
- Youth Protection Training - Adults staying overnight must have completed BSA Youth Protection Training within
the prior two years. If you need this, submit your training certificate to the Scoutmaster by March 17.
- Vehicle Information - If you are driving and your vehicle information has not been included on
a previous tour plan, please provide this to the Scoutmaster by March 17.
Meet at the Epworth United Methodist Church parking lot at 7:00 AM Saturday.
Travel to a parking area near the trail head is about 1 hr 10 minutes.
Estimated return to the church is 3:00 PM Sunday.