Camp Nihan Camping Trip

Alps Mountaineering tent like the ones Troop 54 uses.

Friday, December 11 -
Sunday, December 13, 2015
Camp Nihan Environmental Education Camp
Saugus, MA

This trip is our first trip to Camp Nihan. On Saturday, we will hike the Pirate Trek and Trail, a loop located about 13 minutes away from the camp.

Use our Backwoods Camping List to make sure you don't forget anything. See other camping information on our Camping page. Definitely bring rain gear.


  • Permission Slip - Each participating Scout must submit this to the Scoutmaster by December 8.
  • Event registration fee (youth and adult) - $20 (includes dinner and breakfasts). Pay by December 8.
  • Annual Health and Medical Record - Each participant must have submitted this record within the previous year and no later than December 8. This trip requires only Parts A and B, including copy of insurance card (both sides). A medical exam is not required.
  • CORI - Adults staying overnight must have submitted a CORI to the Mohegan Council within the last year. If you need this, please submit it to the Scoutmaster by September 15.
  • Youth Protection Training - Adults staying overnight must have completed BSA Youth Protection Training within the prior two years. If you need this, submit your training certificate to the Scoutmaster by December 8.
  • Vehicle Information - If you are driving and your vehicle information has not been included on a previous tour plan, please provide this to the Scoutmaster by December 8.

Travel There:

Meet at the Epworth United Methodist Church parking lot at 6:30 PM Friday for departure by 6:45 PM.

Travel from the church to the camp is just over one hour.

Estimated return to the church is 12:00 PM Sunday.


Page updated 11/26/15.

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