Friday, February 17 -
Sunday, February 19, 2017
Camp Collier
Gardner, MA
Troop 54 is combining with Troop 18 of Ashburnham, Massachusetts, for this
month's trip. Our troops shared a site at Camp Wanocksett during summer camp in
2016. For this trip, we will camp in the Magee Cabin at
Camp Collier.
Preparing for the trip:
- Permission Slip - Each participating Scout must submit this to the Scoutmaster
by February 14. Paper Form Online Form
- Event registration fee (adults and youth) - $20 (includes food) Online Payment
- Annual Health and Medical Record - Each participant must have submitted
this record within the previous year. This trip requires only Parts A and B (pages 2 and 3), including copy of insurance card (both sides).
- CORI - Adults staying overnight must have submitted a CORI to the Mohegan Council within the last year. If
you need this, please submit it to the Scoutmaster by February 14.
- Youth Protection Training - Adults staying overnight must have completed BSA Youth Protection Training within
the prior two years. If you need this, submit your training certificate to the Scoutmaster by February 14.
- Vehicle Information - If your vehicle information has not been included on a previous tour
permit, please provide this to the Scoutmaster by February 14.
Travel and Times:
Meet at the Epworth United Methodist Church parking lot at 6:00 PM on Friday for
departure at 6:30 PM. The Scouts will carry out the gear and load the trailer
during this time.
Travel to Camp
Collier is approximately 50 minutes.
Estimated return to the church is 11:30 AM Sunday.