Wolf Talk / Camp Split Rock Trip

Saturday, January 2 -
Sunday, January 3, 2009
Ashburnham, MA and
Gardner, MA

During the day on Saturday we will go on a hike with a wolf at Wolf Talk in Gardner, MA. Bring a trail lunch for this.

Before and after the hike, we will head to the Nashua Valley Council's Camp Split Rock in Ashburnham, MA, for cabin camping at the Magee Cabin.


$30/Person (WolfTalk program) - bring $10 deposit to December 15 Holiday Party (checks to "BSA Troop 54"). The program will be $25/person if we have 15 or more participants.
Share of food cost - find out from your patrol leader.

Permission Slip - bring to the December 15 Holiday Party.


8:00 AM SAT - Meet at Immaculate Conception Church
8:30 AM SAT - Leave church
12:00 PM SUN - Estimated return time.

Packing List - Check our list to ensure that you have everything you need. See our page on packing for other lists.

All vehicles and drivers need to be included on our tour permit. For any driver or vehicle not previously listed on a tour permit, provide information on these to the Scoutmaster using our Tour Permit Information form. Adults staying overnight must have a current CORI on file with the Mohegan Council. This information is needed by December 1.

Planning status:

Tour permit - Done
Camp reservation - Done
Camp fire permit - Not required

Firewood may not be brought to this camp.


Page updated 12/29/09.

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