Camping Gear Retailers
On-line Retailers
There are many on-line retailers. Just a few:
Alps Mountaineering - A manufacturer and on-line retailer.
Frugal Backpacker
Local Retailers
Depending on exactly which camping gear you are looking to buy, retailers local to Worcester, Massachusetts include:
- Cabela's - Their nearest location is in Hudson, Massachusetts in the The Shops At Highland Commons.
- Dick's Sporting Goods - Their location in Lincoln Plaza in Worcester, Massachusetts, closed December 31, 2022. Their closest store is now in Milbury, Massachusetts at The Shoppes At Blackstone Valley.
- Eastern Mountain Sports - Their location in Marlborough, MA (near Solomon Pond Mall) closed in 2023; as of 12/20/23, EMS was planning to re-open the store in Westborough. Their location in Northborough, MA (near Wegmans) closed previously. For now, the nearest store is in Wrentham.
- New England Backpacker - Previously located
at the Summit in Worcester, Massachusetts, this camping store closed in November 2020.
- REI - Their nearest location is in Framingham, Massachusetts.
- Wal-Mart - nearest locations are in West Boylston, Massachusetts
and Worcester, Massachusetts.
Page updated 12/20/23
J. Froimson |