Personal Camping List -
Individuals use this for deciding what to pack for a car camping trip. See our Personal
Camping Gear page for descriptions of many of the items on the list.
Backwoods Camping List -
Individuals use this for deciding what to pack for a backpacking trip. See our Personal
Camping Gear page for descriptions of many of the items on the list.
Campout Meal Planner - Patrols use this
before each camping adventure to plan meals. See our Cooking and Food
page for the process to use the form.
Patrol Campout Gear Checklist -
Patrols use this before each camping adventure to ensure that the needed gear is assembled for
the trip.
Patrol Bin Checklist - Patrols
use this to ensure that the patrol bins are appropriately stocked.
Tour Permit Information - Potential drivers on future
trips should submit vehicle and driver
information to the Scoutmaster once (not for each trip).
Youth Application - Print and complete this form by
hand. Just submit the form, not the cover and
instructions. Alternately, you can complete the online application.