Go to the Troop 54 web page.

Friends of Scouting Campaign

Troop 54 asks you to contribute to the 2019 Friends of Scouting (FOS) campaign. FOS funds the Heart of New England Council BSA, which provides the local support for all of the Scouting units in our area. This funding enables:

  • Three Scout camps, including Treasure Valley
  • Camperships, registration assistance and uniform assistance for those who need this help
  • Support for programs and activities
  • Insurance
  • Leader training opportunities
  • Council service center and staff

Our youth member dues support the troop and the national council, with only $3 going to the local council. Please consider making a donation to help support the Scouting programs in our area.

Friends of Scouting

To pledge on-line, complete the on-line form with the following selections:

  • Campaign: Worcester Units
  • Unit: Troop 54