Census 2020
Your participation in the Census is critical to our community.
Why participate?
- More than $1.5 trillion in federal funding to state and local governments
is parceled out based on census data (Fortune.com, 11/18/19)
- The funding we receive pays for essential services such as roads.
- You can respond in one of 13 languages.
- The number of congressional votes our state gets is based on the census.
- By law, the Census Bureau cannot release any identifiable information about you, your home,
or your business, even to law enforcement agencies.
You can participate in several ways:
- Online - The easiest method.
- By mail
- By phone
- In person - If you don't answer early enough by one of the above methods, the Census
will send someone to your home.
Starting March 12, 2020, you should receive your census mailing. Use that to respond to
the census by any of the methods.
Page updated 3/11/20
J. Froimson |