2014 Popcorn Sale

Dark and White Choclaltey Drizzle

Selling popcorn gives our Scouts a chance to earn part of their way to Scouting events, and it helps to fund Mohegan Council's operations, which supports us in delivering the program. This year's sale features some great prizes and incentives. Each Scout can apply 50% of the pack commission on his sales toward calendar year 2015 pack events, including summer camp (we suggest saving it for that). The pack commission will be 20-30% of the sale amount, depending on how much we sell.

Learning to knock on a door, look someone in the eye, and ask him/her to support Scouting is a great way to build a Scout's confidence.

Product Lineup

Prizes and Incentives

Get your order sheet from Joshua Froimson, our Popcorn Kernel.

Key Dates

Last day to submit your order to the Popcorn Kernel: Tuesday, October 28.
Scouts receive the popcorn they sold to deliver: November 20.
Last day to submit money for popcorn to the Popcorn Kernel: Monday, December 1.

Questions and Answers

Question: Who does the check get made out to?
Answer: Make checks payable to "Cub Scout Pack 54". We'll write one big check to the Mohegan Council at the end.

Question: When do we collect the money?
Answer: The usual time is when you deliver the popcorn. If the customer wants, he can pay when he places the order. Be sure to mark the last column (PD) with an X when the customer pays.

Question: Does it matter whether they pay by check or cash?
Answer: Either is fine.


  • Bring an envelope for the money.
  • Bring some singles with you so you can make change.
  • Have your Cub Scout wear his uniform.


Page updated 9/5/14.

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